Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life at Home

When I hear 'two months post surgery' I instantly think "Two months? Already? It can't be. What have I been doing with my life?" Time is moving fast. On the other hand, when I think 'three months ago' it seems like another life time. In that life it was normal to often find myself awake and on top of a snowy mountain before the sun was up. With skis under my feet about to start a day of speed training in the midst of stupidly beautiful mountain scenery that was my every day environment. 

But, that was then and this is now. It's been said that living in the now could be the meaning of life (mostly by my mom, while listening to Ekhart Tolle audio tapes). So what have I been doing with my life in the past two months? I've replaced my passion for skiing with a passion for alcohol. It started out with binge drinking on weekends, but now I work at a liquor store! I am joking entirely. Except I did get a job at Lake Country Liquor Store. Working full time is something I've never been able to do but making money is a concept that I am quickly taking a liking to. Plus, unpacking pallets of beer orders into the cooler is a great upper body workout. Speaking of working out, that is my other full time job. I had physio last week and Joel is happy with the way everything is going. My strength is coming back and I've started doing some jumping and more functional movements. I look like a tool at the gym jumping off benches and landing in a tuck, but c'est la vie.  With the sporadic spring time weather we've had in the Okanagan I was even been able to get on my road bike before we got a huge dump of snow. It was so fun and strangely calming to lay off the brakes and get some wind in my face while cruising down a road most refer to as 'the windy Oyama hill.'