Sunday, December 2, 2012

Speed and Snow

Sunrise at Nakiska

I couldn't even tell you how long we've been on the road for. We left sometime in November and since then have had ten days of training in Nakiska, one long travel day to Colorado, a couple days of training in Copper Mountain, and finally - two race days! 

I raced in two NorAm (North American) Super-G races this weekend. My first time racing in 11 months. My plan was to ski solid and to enjoy the experience. I placed 15th both days and was pretty satisfied with the way I skied.

At the bottom of our first run of downhill this year. There's not quite the same reaction at the bottom of a slalom course. We like speed!

Our coach Gregor took this picture from the start gate.

Multi-cultural training with the Canadian, German, French, and Moroccan National teams.

Nakiska got 60 cm of snow in two days! Unfortunately, we saved our energy and our bodies and took a day off instead of powder skiing. (The irony of being a ski racer)
