Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Dryland Stint and Some Colorado Skiing

The past few weeks have been a short but intense dryland block at home in the Okanagan. But first, Sarah and I had a brief dryland camp in Vancouver. When we weren't in the gym we got up to lot's of fun activities like fishing in Surrey (who knew?), seeing an improv comedy show on Granville island, and an intense Bikram Yoga class.

Taking photos in Kelowna's City Park



  Fishing in Surrey. Didn't catch anything, but we stuck it out in the rain because I've always wanted to try fishing. Thanks Alecia!


Hanging out in Granville Island

In the gym, the focus was power, speed, and more sport specific exercises. Our hardest workout of the week was strength endurance. It consisted of battle ropes, speed squats, speed lunges, and tucking (followed by crawling off) a bosu ball.

We are now in Copper Mountain, Colorado. Literally, right now. I'm blogging while we wait for some of the girls to get boot work done. We're all pretty tired (see photo below) after a long but awesome day of slalom training. I'm looking forward to getting more mileage in slalom and GS gates and hopefully some Super G and maybe Downhill free skiing!

1 comment:

  1. Ski training is hard, both in and out of the snow. At least you got to do other things along the way. :)

    Where did you guys stay in Colorado? Did you have a specific place where you trained or you tried all the areas?

    Exie Bethel
